19 June 2009

thursday thursday thursday i was so late and i felt bad about not hearing animal collective through my window. it was alright though it was nbd. that morning we went to the golden dawn and drew on the paper placemat and all these people were doing business. in the golden dawn. why?
and then we left a note for our waiter and i hugged him but he seemed REALLY WEIRDED OUT but i wasn't too broken up about it. and then the nicest pairs of shoes AND a silk shirt at the village thrift, matt got leather boat shoes that were a) boats and b) leather and c) shoes and i found the most happenin spirit sneakers that remind me of kindergarten. and when we got home we were sitting in matt's k itch en and eating hummus and chips and strawberries and chocolate milk, and when that was finished matt flung the bag of chips behind him and i exploded with laughter and half of my glass of chocolate milk. some time later he proposed we make tea. so we made dat tea and put a lot and by a lot i mean a lot of honey in them. the teas. i think i choked or something so then i exploded with more tea. so at this point there was just tea and chocolate milk in my hair and all over matt's kitchen. and i was blind half the time, and we tried waltzing and "sango"ing but it didn't work out too well.
AND THEN we left to go to the high school and see devon and paige in our spankin new shoes and FOUND THEM and talked to those guys those guise. and the teachers helping all the senior citizens onto the buses to take them away thought matt and i were going to project graduation at least a century's worth of times.
when we left it was realized that we had been following the buses for a few minutes then diverged from them but thought we should have just kept following and shown up, hey you guys. we ended up sitting in my kitchen and for whatever reason my mom decided to show matt pictures of me from when i was little, which literally never happens, and brain was in his pajamas and then we left and saw up.
and up was good i teared up at the part where he was looking at ellie's adventure book and she wrote "thanks for the adventure now go find a new one" which is kind of funny thinking about it and matt teared up at the part where carl said "bad dog". because i mean that dog was just so cute and nice and not even bad at all, but really really good. i hid underneath your porch because i love you.
paige i forgot to purr for/on you. i can purr like a cat, you would have died so many times. like i would have killed you. I'M SORRY!

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