triangles, drawing eyes, when you can see light through someone else's/your own hair {and all the little ones around the edges look like strings of light}, naturally red hair, making eggs, cleaning, really really thick coffee, half awake dreams, when people who i've never talked to start talking to me, chewed pencils, "what would i want sky" by animal collective, "vampire" by antsy pants, matt's comma, mixing paint on my laptop, crepes, "sleeping lessons" by the shins, studying french {rare occurance}, getting legitimately happy, sad or excited when i see a person/photograph/film, not being clean, hamtaro, tattoo, when anyone tries to show me a constellation, holes in things, anything by beirut, the sound of the ukulele, liking cats because they're cute and liking dogs because i feel so happy around them and they really are loyal companions, when i called devon at three in the morning and a) he answered and b) told me what chinese finger traps were, wearing hats, prescription glasses, vitamins, peanut butter on toast, when you talk to someone and know that they're understanding/trying to understand, cellos, when someone looks into you and then smiles, ink pens, dresses, eating cookie dough without any regard for how my stomach will feel about it later, noticing things, handwriting (and crossword puzzles), satisfactions, cold red cheeks, being happy or just content with something unfinished because it rarely happens, being happy or content in general [because that rarely happens], diners in new jersey, the state of new jersey, ellipses, eyelashes, woody allen because he has the best sense of humor, when you say a word or phrase over and over again so much that it starts to sound very silly, waking up early, chapped lips, enjoying the film marie antoinette because it's so pretty, talking to celia, closing your eyes and picking out every part of a song as you listen when you're really listening, closing your eyes in general, salty marshmallows, reading an entire paragraph/page/two pages and then realizing you have no idea what happened and were just daydreaming, being cold, being hot, biking, the film garden state, sweaters (and flannel), knowing that we're existing at the same time, boat shoes, boats in general, being cute, my dad, the wind, red wine that's too dry for me to swallow.