there are some films and certain music that i don't think any of us will ever forget and that offers a great deal of comfort to me. what i really want to do is watch stand by me and talk to my dad about it. ive watched that movie at least three times with him. and earlier i made tea and accidentally drank a leaf or two and all i could think about was that i haven't made tea in a million years count em a million years, at least not in my house. i realized i never cleaned out my locker and they probably threw away my favorite mug and the only art project from the whole year that i actually liked but it's alright there will be more mugs and art projects in my life. alex julia told me about where and how jazz originated and the heritage of every band member from gogol bordello, and as usual he made me laugh which is another comfort another comforter. here have a blanket i have this for you. i read about sin fang bous and ate cheesecake and caught up a little with skins. i like the word phantasmagoria and i miss the lakes from last summer. i think i had a dream that matt or someone was trying to sound jamaican but i am not quite positive, last night i spent looking at pictures on the cobrasnake with timothy, what two year olds i am five with braces. i think i'm going to look for film cameras with brain sometime soon, i think i should talk to him about considering a beard in his life.
what stays? i want to know what is permanent

ah good ol fashioned life ive been told many things about you take a seat. if you -yes you reading this- tell me we can go swimmingggg g g g together i will dye my hair red though i'll probably do that anyway i mean WHAT hush your mouth i'm rosa parks bye
edit: i want to see adam but i think it will make me too sad and empty