i feel like we all have so much to say but no one ever says it. not like people hide things just that when we try to say things it never comes out the way we feel in our heads. like dreams, when you have them they're so clear around the edges but in the middle it's all a jumble. i can see everything in my head but if i went to write down something i have to stop because it doesn't work, then i just feel disappointed in myself. like my thoughts are my two index fingers caught between those paper chinese finger traps, you know you just keep pulling and pulling. when i first experienced those i just kept pulling and i never pushed together my fingers like i was supposed to, even when i knew that's how you did it i just pulled. why does that happen? i never learn my lesson. i wish i could explain myself without having to explain myself.

lay down with me my dear, lay down. under stormy night, tell nobody.